
Public Talks
For people who are interested in finding out about Traditional Tibetan Medicine, these Public Talks are highly recommended.

  • An Introduction to Traditional Tibetan Medicine
  • Mantra Healing in Tibetan Medicine
  • Dream Analysis in Tibetan Medicine
  • Diet and Lifestyle in Tibetan Medicine
  • Birth and Death according to Traditional Tibetan Medicine
  • Sa Che – Tibetan Geomancy
  • Ku Nye – Traditional Tibetan Massage
  • Astrology in Tibetan Medicine

All public talks are two hours in duration and are accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation.

Weekend Courses
Wellbeing through Traditional Tibetan Medicine

For people without any TTM background, the following 2-day weekend courses give not only the basic theories of TTM, but also practical skills and knowledge which can be immediately applied for the health and wellbeing of all the family.

  • Health and Wellbeing through Traditional Tibetan Medicine
  • The Wellbeing Diet in Traditional Tibetan Medicine
  • Aging Gracefully with Traditional Tibetan Medicine
  • Astrology in Traditional Tibetan Medicine

Educational Program for Tibetans
IATTM Offers Special Courses and Seminars for Tibetans, In the West

Why Specifically for Tibetans?

It is important that Tibetan people live with their own cultural heritage in the West.

Alternative Medicine and Natural Health-care are increasing in importance and popularity as people in the modern world are becoming more health-conscious. There is a growing interest in Traditional Tibetan Medicine. This is an excellent opportunity for TTM to meet the needs of the Western world.

Despite the fact that many Tibetans have wonderful capabilities and a great capacity for creating a life of their own, unfortunately they may be unable to follow a professional health-care career within their own culture.

Although TTM in its entirety has not yet gained official recognition in many Western countries, certain important aspects of TTM - such as Ku Nye Tibetan massage – are skills that can be readily acquired and put into clinical practice. Health-care centres, massage-therapy clinics, cosmetic treatment centres, Spas and hotels are examples of venues where Ku Nye Tibetan massage could be practised and integrated.

Therefore, an education in Ku Nye Tibetan massage and related physical therapies, can provide the opportunity for dedicated and enterprising Tibetans to create a career in the health-care industry.

The IATTM is dependent upon the income generated by courses in order to meet costs. However, as this particular project is aimed specifically for Tibetans, a 50% discount off all course fees is offered to Tibetan students. For the IATTM it is a great honour to have Tibetans study with us, in order enable Tibetans to once again reclaim their own culture.

Conditions of Participation:

  • Prospective students must be Tibetan
  • Ability to speak the Tibetan language
  • reading and writing skills would be a definite advantage
  • Age from 18 to 50
  • A character reference or letter of introduction from the local Tibetan Community is required

When and where?

IATTM will make contact with local Tibetan Communities, and courses will be organized in collaboration with local centres. Locations and dates will be announced three months prior to the commencement of courses.

The duration of the training will be approximately 600 hours in total.

The main instructor will be Dr. Nida Chenagtsang – Medical Director of IATTM; with the assistance of other fully qualified Ku Nye instructors teaching under the auspices of the IATTM.


  • Principles of Traditional Tibetan Medicine
  • Ku Nye - the traditional Tibetan Massage
  • Tibetan Medical external therapies - including hot and cold compresses, moxibustion, cupping, and herbal bath therapy

Further Information:

For further information about this educational program, please contact:
Donla Tsering
International Ku Nye Instructor
International Academy for Traditional Tibetan Medicine
email: tsering_donla@yahoo.com
tel: +39 333864 7236

Healing and Wellbeing Retreat
Longevity and Rejuventation – The Tibetan Detox
(Tib. bChud Len dang rGaspa gSoba)

This is a 7-day course based on the teachings which Tibet’s greatest saint, Guru Padmasambhava, transmitted to his female disciple, Yeshe Tsogyal.

These are simple non-ritual practices that can be performed by anybody.

The course is presented in residential setting. Each day, a special herbal pill is taken; these pills are based on a formula of juniper. Daily activities include a form of gentle yoga and breathing exercises.

This practice prevents aging, gently cleanses the blood and digestive system, and therefore helps prevent chronic disease and increases energy levels.


© IATTM 2007
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